Timer Event Rescheduling

You can reschedule the timeouts of timer events on user tasks (including the work item deadline). This can be achieved by selecting timers to reschedule from a non-cancelling signal event on the same user task.

Note: Timer events that have already timed-out will not be rescheduled.

A catch signal event attached to a user task, that is configured as Continue task when signal is caught allows selection of timer events to reschedule one of the following:

  • all
  • The Timer currently set as Activity deadline
  • one or more explicitly selected timers

When a timer event is selected for reschedule in any one of the above ways then the user must define a reschedule timer script on the timer event's General properties tab.

In the example below, the process has a user task with two timers, Deadline and Nudge. When "Unexpected Delay" is triggered, the Allow_User_More_Time signal is thrown and this explicitly reschedules the Deadline timer by adding an extra day to the current Deadline timeout.

The Properties page for Catch: Allow User More Time looks like this:

The Properties page for Deadline looks like this: