REST API - Set Candidate Query - Group

This operation sets or updates a candidate query for a group


PUT <baseurl>/candidatequery/group/<group-guid>/<container-id>/
Path parameters
  • group-guid: The the unique identifier of the group to which the candidate query is to be assigned.
  • container-id: The identifier of the LDAP container in which the LDAP search is to be performed, and to which generated resources should be assigned.
  • search-scope: The scope on which an LDAP search is to be performed. The valid entries are either: ONELEVEL (only the elements directly within the Base-DN level are searched) or SUBTREE (elements directly within, and below, the Base-DN level are searched).
Query parameters BaseDN=string (optional): The base-DN to which the LDAP search is to be restricted.
Body Query: The LDAP query that identifies candidate resources.


JSON If successful, returns 200 OK in the response header, and an empty response body.
XML If successful, returns 200 OK in the response header, and an empty response body.


PUT <baseurl>/orgmodel/candidatequery/group/_slQukFHHEeO_orno_K2qCw/1/ONELEVEL