Configuring the Business Data Services (BDS) Database

In particular cases, you may need to configure ActiveMatrix BPM so that names that are used in the BDS database are limited in length to 30 characters. This is to avoid issues that may arise if you later migrate BDS database tables from SQL Server or DB2 to Oracle.


If all the following conditions apply to your situation, we strongly advise you to perform this procedure:
  • You are upgrading ActiveMatrix BPM (fresh installations are not affected).
  • ActiveMatrix BPM is using DB2 or SQL Server.
  • You have not yet deployed any BDS Global Data Applications to your running system, or are upgrading ActiveMatrix BPM from a version before 3.0.
Note: If you have a system to which existing BDS Global Data Applications have been deployed, you should not perform this procedure unless you are happy to first undeploy the Applications.


  1. Open the file in a text editor.

    The file is typically stored on the machine where you installed ActiveMatrix BPM, in the following folder:


  2. Set the following properties to the values shown:
    # Allows the specification of the maximum length to use for table names.
    # It is recommended that this is set to 30 to provide the most
    # flexibility across all database types
    # Allows the specification of the maximum length to use for column names.
    # It is recommended that this is set to 30 to provide the most
    # flexibility across all database types
    # Allows the specification of the maximum length to use for a database index.
    # It is recommended that this is set to 30 to provide the most
    # flexibility across all database types

    These settings limit the length of the names used in the BDS generated database.

  3. Save and close the file.
    When you have set these properties and deployed a BDS Global Data Application, you should not change the property values again.