Picking an Existing Action

You can pick an existing action to define an event.


  1. Click the Browse button (...) next to Pick an existing action.

    This will allow you to choose one of the system actions, or to select one of the custom shared actions defined in the form.

  2. In the Select Item dialog, select an action from the list of Matching and selected items, and click OK.

    A new row appears in the table with the details of the action.

  3. Click Finish.

    The Define actions dialog appears.

  4. In the Define actions dialog, you can further configure the new action by selecting (or clearing) the check boxes to enable (or disable) the action, or to designate the action to be shared.
  5. Use up or down arrows to move the selected actions and rearrange them in the window.

    The actions will execute in the defined order when the rule is triggered by one of its events.

  6. Click Finish.
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