Viewing the Gadget Specification in a Browser

To view the gadget specification in a browser, type in the URL of the sample gadget. This is a way you can ensure that you can access the XML.


  • Type the URL of the sample gadget in your browser. For example, protocol://amxbpmhost:8080/openspace/projectname/gadgetfoldername/MyGadget.gadget.xml where:
    • protocol is the communications protocol being used by openspace, either HTTP or HTTPS. This was determined at installation.
    • amxbpmhost is the machine name or IP address of the machine where TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM is installed.
    • projectname is the name of your web application project. The web application project name must be in lowercase.
    • gadgetfoldername is the name of your gadget folder.
    • MyGadget.gadget.xml is the name you have given to your Openspace Gadget.
      Warning: Caching and Gadgets

      The gadget server by default caches the gadget XML. If you change it and subsequently deploy it, your changes may not be reflected. To workaround this, you can either:

      • Open the following in a new tab http://amxbpmhost:8080/gadgetserver/gadgets/ifr?view=home&url=http://gadgetxml_host:<gadgetxml_port>/MyGadget.gadget.xml&nocache=1&bpc=1 where gadgetxml_host is the location where your gadget XML is hosted. This notifies the gadget server not to cache the gadget XML. Once you have done this, reload the gadget into Openspace, or
      • You can rename the gadget XML before redeploying.


Now the application is running, you are ready to log in to Openspace, see TIBCO Openspace User’s Guide for more information about using Openspace.