Types of Substitution Tokens

There are three types of substitution tokens—event attributes, application attributes, and context-specific attributes.

  • Event attributes - These include all of the event attributes that are defined in the eventAttributes.xml file. Note, however, only a subset of these attributes are pertinent to any given event type.

    The event attributes can be included as substitution tokens in any of the attributes (summary, detail, query, etc.) in which substitution tokens are allowed.

  • Application attributes - There are two of these, and they can also be included as substitution tokens in any of the attributes (summary, detail, query, etc.) in which substitution tokens are allowed. The available Application attributes are:
    • {sessionResourceName} - Contains the name of the resource currently logged into the application.
    • {sessionResourceGuid} - Contains the Guid of the resource currently logged into the application.
  • Context-specific attributes - These are attributes that contain data that is specific to the type of entity selected when creating contextual events. For example, if creating an event view/list in the context of a work item, the available context-specific attributes contain work item-related information: work item id, start date, state, etc.

    The context-specific attributes can be used as substitution tokens only in the name, query, and description attributes when defining contextual links in the eventLinks.xml file.

    The following is a list of the context-specific attributes that can be used as substitution tokens for the various types of contextual links (categorized by messageId). Note that the substitution tokens available from work item and process instance-related links relate to the columns shown on the work item and process instances lists, respectively.

    • WorkItem_WorkspaceContext
      • {ID} - work item Id
      • {Version} - work item version
      • {Name}
      • {Description}
      • {StartDate}
      • {EndDate}
      • {DistributionStrategy}
      • {Priority}
      • {GroupID}
      • {ActivityID}
      • {AppID}
      • {AppInstance}
      • {AppName}
      • {ScheduleStatus}
      • {State}
      • {WorkTypeID}
      • {WorkTypeUID}
      • {WorkTypeDescription}
    • ProcessInstance_WorkspaceContext
      • {INSTANCE.ID}
      • {MODULE.NAME}
    • LdapContainer_WorkspaceContext
    • LdapContainers_WorkspaceContext
    • Group_WorkspaceContext
    • Position_WorkspaceContext
    • Organization_WorkspaceContext
    • OrgUnit_WorkspaceContext
    • OrgModelVersion_WorkspaceContext
    • ResourceChanges_WorkspaceContext
      • {name} - name of selected resource
      • {guid} - Guid of selected resource