
This method causes the first available work item in the work item list to be opened, where “available” means a work item that is not locked nor suspended.

Also see:

Note: Pageflow definitions can include branching that would require the simultaneous handling of multiple user tasks, each requiring the display of a form (this same scenario could also occur in embedded sub-processes set up for chained execution).

Workspace cannot currently display multiple forms resulting from these parallel pageflows. If one is encountered in a WCC application (including the Workspace application), a warning message is displayed. In some situations, none of the forms can be displayed and execution of the pageflow (or chaining in the sub-process) cannot proceed. If a parallel pageflow is encountered inside of a business service, it may be able to arbitrarily display one of the forms, but an exception may occur later when the form is submitted.



Note: The method signature with the channelId parameter is deprecated as of version 1.1.0 of Workspace. New code should use the signature with only the parent parameter.


  • channelId - (String) (optional) Identifies the work presentation (forms) that will be used for the work item that is opened. If omitted, the channel ID specified in the channelId parameter in the application’s config.xml file is used.
  • parent - (Object) (optional) Identifies the General Interface component where the work item form is to be loaded. If omitted, it is loaded in a dialog.

