Displaying Work Item Attributes

TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM allows you to define work item attributes and work item attribute facades at design-time in TIBCO Business Studio. Work item attributes can be populated by a script in a process. They can be used to contain data associated with a work item. Work item facades allow you to define different display names for your work item attributes. You can configure how Openspace displays the work item attribute names. By default, the default work item attribute names display, for example, Attribute 1, Attribute 2 and so on.

Work item attributes are available in the following:
  • In Work Views:
    • Use the Column Selector to view work item attributes in your work views.
    • Use the Filter and Sort dialogs to include work item attributes in filter and sort criteria.
    • Use Search to search on work item attributes.
  • In Process Views, work item attribute names display in the Event Attribute pane on the Audit tab.
  • In Event Views, work item attribute names display in the list of event attributes.
  • If you are using JMS publication, any activities performed in Openspace that uses work item attributes are published to JMS.

You can configure how Openspace displays the work item attribute names using the workViews.useAttribDisplayNames attribute in the config.properties file.

Out of the box, the default setting is Use System Default. This means the default work item attribute names display, for example, Attribute 1, Attribute 2 and so on. See TIBCO Openspace User's Guide for more information.

You can use the workViews.useAttribDisplayNames attribute to configure how the work item attribute names are displayed in Openspace.

If the workViews.useAttribDisplayNames attribute is set to true, then work item attribute names that are defined in the deployed work item facade are displayed. Work item facades are defined at design-time in TIBCO Business Studio. See TIBCO Business Studio Modeling Guide for more information.

If the workViews.useAttribDisplayNames attribute is set to false, then the default work item attribute names are displayed, for example, Attribute 1, Attribute 2 and so on.
Note: Users can override this setting in the Work Views gadget by configuring the use attribute display names option. See TIBCO Openspace User's Guide for more information.


TIBCO recommends you take a back up of the config.properties file before amending it.


  1. Open the config.properties file in a text editor.
    See Openspace Configuration Overview for information on the location of the config.properties file.
  2. Amend the workViews.useAttribDisplayNames attribute.
  3. Save and close the config.properties file.
  4. Log out and log back into TIBCO Openspace for the changes to take effect.