Maximum Connections

This setting controls the maximum number of database connections within the pool for the data source template.

Original value

When you initially configure ActiveMatrix BPM you can select one of the following default values for the Database Connection Pool Size field in TIBCO Configuration Tool - see TIBCO Configuration Tool (TCT).

For development systems: 10 threads

For production systems: 50 threads


Monitor your system’s performance, and if you find that BPM is running slowly you may wish to consider increasing this value.

Changing the value

Too small a value for the pool size, compared with the number of threads using it, will result in threads waiting for a connection to become available. This wait time is up to 60 seconds, and so can have big impact on performance. However too large a value may use up too much memory within the JVM, especially if the Prepared Statement Cache Size is configured.

For information about setting the value of this option, see TIBCO Configuration Tool (TCT).