Identifying the Client Channel in a Service Call

Most WorkPresentationService calls require you to identify the channel to be used.

The call from WorkPresentationService passes the following items in the request:

  • channelId is the identifier of the channel to which the client is bound.
  • channelType is an enumerated value associated with that channel type.

The following table shows:

  • the channel types supported by TIBCO Business Studio.
  • the format of different channelIds used to identify individual channels of each presentation type. ChannelName is the label of the parent presentation channel - for example, DefaultChannel or CustChannel1.
  • the channelType enumeration that should be specified for each channelId.
    TIBCO Business Studio channel type channelId channelType
    Openspace Google Web Toolkit openspaceGWTPull_ChannelName openspaceChannel
    Workspace Google Web Toolkit GIGWTPull_ChannelName openspaceChannel
    Openspace Mobile MobileGWTPull_ChannelName MobileChannel
    Openspace Email openspaceEmailPush_ChannelName EmailChannel
    Workspace Email EmailGIPush_ChannelName EmailChannel
    Note: The channelType enumerations JSPChannel, PageflowChannel and RssChannel are currently not supported.

You cannot obtain channelIds programmatically. Instead, you must obtain them directly from TIBCO Business Studio. The following screenshot shows:

  • the channel types used by the default presentation channel. (Form artifacts are automatically generated for each of these channel types.)
  • how to obtain the channelId of a particular channel. In this example, openspaceGWTPull_DefaultChannel identifies the channel in the Default Channel presentation channel that uses the Openspace Google Web Toolkit channel type.

Note: For more information, see "Using Presentation Channels to Display Tasks to Users" in TIBCO Business Studio BPM Implementation.