Configure the Mobile Case Manager Application

The Mobile Case Manager application requires the details of a case model that is available on the ActiveMatrix BPM system. Edit the mobileCaseMgrAppName.config.json file to add this information.

mobileCaseMgrAppName is the application name. For the Mobile Case Manager application, this is MobileCaseManager. For a clone of the Mobile Case Manager application, it is the name chosen for the cloned application.

When the Mobile Case Manager application opens, the index.html file calls the <mbpm-case-types> business component to display the available case types for the current case model. The mobileCaseMgrAppName.config.json file defines the current model.

This file contains the JSON definition for the default selectedCaseModel object. For information about this object, see CaseModelBasicInfoType.



There are three alternatives to obtain the required information for the case model from the ActiveMatrix BPM system:

  • From the ActiveMatrix BPM web service API, use the getCaseModelBasicInfo operation, from the BusinessDataServicesAdminService.
  • From the objectAPI, use the GlobaldataAdminService.getCaseModelBasicInfo method.
  • From Openspace, use the DATA ADMIN pane. For example:


  1. Open the mobileCaseMgrAppName.config.json file.
  2. Edit the selectedCaseModel definition, and replace the default details with those of the required case model.
  3. Do the following for a clone of the Mobile Case Manager application.
    This is not required for the Mobile Case Manager application.
    1. Open the js/controllers.js file.
    2. Edit the $http.get call, and replace MobileCaseManager.config.json with the mobileCaseMgrAppName.config.json filename.
              .then(function(response) {
  4. Save the changes.
  5. Launch the application to test it.
    Remember to launch the Latest version.