Second Primary Machine: Installing ActiveMatrix BPM Software

To install ActiveMatrix BPM on the second primary machine, run the TIBCO Universal Installer on the second primary machine.

Note: If the ActiveMatrix enterprise does not contain a replicated ActiveMatrix Administrator server, skip this task and instead go straight on to Primary Machine: Installing ActiveMatrix BPM Software.


  1. Log on to the second primary machine.
  2. Stop the TIBCO Host instance.

    For example, use the command:

    CONFIG_HOME\tibcohost\Admin-ActiveMatrixEnterpriseName-ActiveMatrixServerName\host\bin\tibcohost.exe stop -wait true

    See "Stopping a TIBCO Host Instance" in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM - SOA Administration for more information.

  3. Run TIBCOUniversalInstaller to install ActiveMatrix BPM software.
  4. Make sure that you complete the following screens/fields as shown.
    Screen Requirement
    Installation Profile Selection Select the Primary machine profile.
    TIBCO Installation Home Select Use an existing TIBCO_HOME, then select the TIBCO_HOME location used by the existing installation.
    Warning dialog If a Warning dialog appears, prompting you to re-install any existing features, click NO.
    Post-Install summary Clear Launch TIBCO Configuration Tool.
  5. Start the TIBCO Host instance.

    For example, use the command:


    See "Starting a TIBCO Host Instance" in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM - SOA Administration for more information.