Moving a Resource to a Different LDAP Container

Resources listed in an LDAP container can be moved to a different LDAP container. This may be desired, for instance, if an employee has moved to a different department or location within the company.

Note that the same function used to move a resource to a different LDAP container can be used to also move the resource to a different "location". Locations are defined in the organization model and can be associated with organization units or positions. Resources are initially assigned locations by being mapped to those positions; the Rename/Move Resource function can be used to change the location for a resource.


  1. Select the LDAP container that contains the resource you want to move, then click Show Resources.
  2. From the resource list, select the desired resource, then click the Rename/Move Resource () icon.
  3. From the Ldap Container field on the Edit Selected Resources dialog, select the LDAP container to which you want to move the resource.
    A resource's "BPM resource" name can also be changed from this dialog; for information, see Renaming a Resource.
  4. In the Ldap Reference DN field for each LDAP source, enter the DN that uniquely identifies the resource in that specific LDAP source.

    There is no way to browse to and select the DN for each LDAP source, nor is there any validation on the value that is entered in the Ldap Reference DN field. Therefore, when the DN is manually entered, it is your responsibility to ensure that it entered is correct.

    Note, however, when the Edit Selected Resources dialog is initially displayed, the resource's DN is shown in the Ldap Reference DN field. But once you select a different LDAP container, the field clears.

    If an entered DN does not match the structure in the LDAP source, an "alert" icon () is shown for the resource in the resource list if Error Marked Only is selected on the resource list.

  5. If desired, also select a location for the resource from the available locations in the Select Location section.
  6. Click Save to save the changes and close the dialog.