TIBCO Host Instance Configuration: Administrator Server

Field Description
Bind to Administrator Server Indicate whether to bind the TIBCO Host instance to an Administrator server. When selected the Administrator server configuration fields are enabled.

Default: Selected

Machine Name The name of the machine on which the Administrator server is running. The value of this property must either be a hostname resolvable through DNS or; it cannot be an IP address.

Default: None

Port The browser port used to access the Administrator server.

Default: 8120

Username The ID of the initial superuser.

Default: root

Password The password of the superuser.

Default: t

Assign this Host to All Environments Whether the host is assigned to all environments. When cleared, the host is assigned to no environment initially. You can use ActiveMatrix Administrator to explicitly assign the host to selected environments after configuration is complete.

Default: Selected

Admin Server is SSL Enabled Indicate that the Administrator server internal port (see Administrator Server Configuration: Internal HTTP Settings) is enabled for SSL. When selected, the SSL Keystore Configuration fields are enabled.
SSL Keystore Configuration:
Create a Trust Store Invokes a wizard to obtain certificates from the specified server and create the trust store:
  1. Click Create a Trust Store.
  2. Specify a password to protect the keystore and click Next. The SSL setup wizard displays the certificates imported from the server.
  3. In the Trust Selected Certifications area, select the certificates to trust and click Finish. The wizard fills in the Keystore Location, Keystore Type and Keystore Password fields.

    If you do not click Create a Trust Store, you must specify the details of an existing trust store that can be used to establish the trust relationship with the server.

Trust Keystore Location Either:
  • the location in which the created trust store will be stored, or
  • the location of the trust store to be uploaded to ActiveMatrix Administrator. (You can either type this directly or click Browse to find it.)
Trust Keystore Type The type of the created or uploaded trust store: JKS or JCEKS.

Default: JKS

Trust Keystore Password Either:
  • the password specified in the Create a Trust Store wizard, or
  • the password required to access the trust store that is to be uploaded.