Indications of a Healthy ActiveMatrix BPM System

A healthy ActiveMatrix BPM system is one where all the components are running without any unexpected errors or failures. There are several key areas that you can investigate to determine the health of an ActiveMatrix BPM system. These include status of BPM applications, shared resource instances, bindings and so on.

Note: Healthy connections to TIBCO Enterprise Message Service and to the databases being used by the BPM runtime are a pre-requisite to a healthy BPM system.
Key Areas Description
Status of the BPM application The BPM product application (which defaults to the name must be deployed, started and running successfully.
Status of the shared resource instances The runtime state of the shared resource instances must be Running. Examples of the shared resource instances include HTTP Connector, HTTP Client, LDAP Connection, LDAP Authentication, SMTP, JDBC, and so on.
Status of the bindings The runtime state of the bindings must be ’Running’.
Status of the user application features The status of all the user application features must be In Sync. If user application undeployments have previously failed to uninstall this can result in older features or applications that cannot be removed, for example, during an upgrade. If there are any user applications that are marked with "Failed to Uninstall", follow the steps described in Cleaning Up Undeployed BPM Applications to rectify this.
Login You should be able to log in to the BPM runtime from one of the clients either as the default user, tibco-admin, or as one of the users from the LDAP container.
Ability to login as tibco-admin You should be able to log in to the BPM runtime from one of the clients as the default user, tibco-admin.
Ability to see available LDAP Connections when creating LDAP containers When creating an LDAP container, at least one LDAP Connection must be listed. An empty list can indicate a range of issues. Listed below are some of the common issues:
  • The LDAP Server is not running.
  • The LDAP Connection instance is not running.
  • The LDAP Connection resource template is not configured properly. One or more of the properties specified for the LDAP Connection resource template may be incorrect. For example, the ProviderURL may be incorrect, the SSL configuration option may not be selected, the login credentials provided may be incorrect, or the template may not be scoped for the correct instance of the BPM Application.
Ability to login as an user from the LDAP container You should be able to log in to the BPM runtime from one of the clients as one of the users from the LDAP container.