Finding All Case Objects of a Particular Type

From within a script, use the findAll method on the appropriate case access class to return a list of all case references for that case class.

Method syntax Description
findAll() Returns a single list containing all case references for the case class.
findAll(index,pageSize) Returns a paginated list of all case references for the case class.


  • index is the (zero-based) number of the first record to return in a paginated list.
  • pageSize is the number of records to return in each page of a paginated list. A value of -1 means return all records.


This example shows how to get a list of all Customer case references.

	// Get a list of all Customer case references
	customerReferenceList = cac_com_example_ordermodel_Customer.findAll();

	// You can now read the list of case references to obtain a list of corresponding Customer case data objects.
	var customerList =;

	// Then process those customers.
	for (var ix = 0; ix < customerList.size(); ix++)
		var customer = customerList.get(ix);

		// process customer objects…
		// …

This example shows how to use a paginated list to iterate through the returned list of customers and find the one with the largest number of orders.

	var maxOrderCount = 0;
	var name = "";
	var index = 0;
	var pageSize = 100;

	while (true) {
		var custRefs = cac_com_example_ordermodel_Customer.findAll(index, pageSize);
		for (var ix = 0; ix < custRefs.size(); ix++) {
			var customerRef = custRefs.get(ix);
			var count = customerRef.getOrdersRefs().size();
			var customer = customerRef.readCustomer();
			if (count > maxOrderCount) {
					maxOrderCount = count;
					name =;
		if (custRefs.hasMoreResults) {
			index += pageSize;
		} else {