Query Parameter Attributes

All attributes can be used for both filtering and sorting.

Note that:

  • If the attribute specified is “*”, all attributes for the process template or process instance will be returned.
  • The predefined attribute names, with the exception of globalDataRef, are prefixed by DEFINITION, MODULE or INSTANCE.
  • The predefined attributes are case insensitive, with the exception of globalDataRef. User-defined attribute names are case sensitive.

The following attributes can be used to query process templates.

Attribute Name Description Type
DEFINITION.NAME Process name Text
DEFINITION.DESCRIPTION Process description Text
DEFINITION.VERSION Process version Text
DEFINITION.PRIORITY Process priority Numeric (short)
DEFINITION.CREATION_DATE Process creation date Date/Time
DEFINITION.SERVICE_PROCESS Whether the process is a service process (true) or a business process (false) Boolean
MODULE.NAME Module name Text
The following attributes can be used to query process instances.
Attribute Name Description Type
MODULE.NAME Module name Text
INSTANCE.NAME Process instance name Text
INSTANCE.ID Process instance identifier Text
INSTANCE.ORIGINATOR_NAME Originator of the process instance Text
INSTANCE.PARENT_PROCESS_ID ID of the parent process Text
INSTANCE.VERSION Process instance version Text
INSTANCE.PRIORITY Process instance priority Numeric
INSTANCE.STATUS Process instance state/status Text
INSTANCE.START_DATE Process instance start date Date/Time
INSTANCE.COMPLETION_DATE Process instance completion date Date/Time
INSTANCE.WAITING_WORK_COUNT Process instance waiting work count Numeric
INSTANCE.FAILED_ACTIVITY_NAME Name of the failed activity that resulted in a halted process instance Text
INSTANCE.ACTIVITY_FAULT_DATA Activity default data Text
INSTANCE.ACTIVITY_FAULT_NAME Name of activity fault Text
globalDataRef1 Global data reference Text
User-defined attribute name Process instance custom attribute Text, 
1 Only applicable for processes that contain global data.