Event Type

Custom controls can raise any of the built-in events (for example: Update, Enter, Exit, Select) or can raise custom events that do not correspond to the semantics of any of the built-in events. Individual control types can declare the events they support from the union of built-in events and those defined at the library level.

Event Type Properties

Property Type Restrictions Description
Name String
  • Unique within library.
  • Cannot be set to a same name as any of the built-in event names:
    • close
    • doubleclick
    • enter
    • exit
    • localize
    • open
    • select
    • submit
    • update
  • Cannot begin with tibco_, to ensure no conflict with built-in events specified by TIBCO.
Specifies the name of the custom event. This is used at design time to configure the events that trigger a rule. At runtime, it is used in the ControlWrapper to specify which event is being raised by the custom control.
Label String   Label used in the Form Designer for the Event Type.