Reconfiguring JDBC Connection Resource Templates After Upgrade From a Pre-4.0 ActiveMatrix BPM System

Use of XA transactions in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM 4.0 has been significantly reduced. As part of this change, Process Engine and Event Collector now share the use of the common DataSource and DataSourceDirect database connection pools with other BPM components, instead of having their own pools. As there are now less connection pools you should review and, if necessary, increase the number of connections per pool.

The following JDBC resource templates are deleted as part of an upgrade from a pre-4.0 BPM system:
  • DataSourcePE  Used by Process Engine (PE) for database operations required when starting and processing process instances within an XA transaction.
  • DataSourceEC  Used by Event Collector (EC) to persist audit events to the database via an XA-based transaction.
  • DataSourceDirectPE  Used by Process Engine for database operations required when starting and processing process instances within a non-XA transaction.
  • DataSourceDirectEC  Used by Event Collector (EC) to persist audit events to the database via a non-XA based transaction.

If you have upgraded from a pre-4.0 BPM system, you should review and possibly increase the Maximum Connections or preparedStatementCacheSize values for the DataSource and DataSourceDirect resource templates.



  1. Stop the ActiveMatrix BPM application:
    1. In TIBCO Configuration Tool, on the Create new configurations screen, click Edit ActiveMatrix BPM > Edit ActiveMatrix BPM Instance.
    2. In the wizard, select Stop AMX-BPM Product Application from the Edit Action to be Performed list.
    3. On the Summary screen, click Configure, then wait until the ActiveMatrix BPM application has stopped.
  2. Review and, if desired, update the resource templates:
    1. Log into ActiveMatrix Administrator.
    2. Select Shared Objects > Resource Templates.
    3. Find the DataSource JDBC resource template and change the following settings to appropriate values for your upgraded system: Maximum Connections (on the General tab) and preparedStatementCacheSize (on the Advanced tab).
    4. Do the same for the DataSourceDirect JDBC resource template.
  3. Restart the ActiveMatrix BPM application:
    1. In TIBCO Configuration Tool, on the Create new configurations screen, click Edit ActiveMatrix BPM > Edit ActiveMatrix BPM Instance.
    2. In the wizard, select Start AMX-BPM Product Application from the Edit Action to be Performed list.
    3. On the Summary screen, click Configure, then wait until the ActiveMatrix BPM application has restarted.