Event Collection Services

Event Collection services are provided by the Process Manager logical node (by the Event Collector (EC) component).


The Event Collection services API provides the following public services.

Service Description
EventCollectorAuditService Submit events for audit using Event Collector.
EventCollectorQueryService Get information from the Event Collector database tables about events, attributes and components.
EventCollectorMeasuresService Get measures stored by Event Collector.
EventCollectorManagementService Execute and manage purges of audit data from the Event Collector database tables.
EventCollectorReportService Get audit information from the Event Collector database tables about process instances and case data.
EventCollectorUpdateService Submit information to EventCollector, such as registering components and attributes.

API Files

The following table shows the API files that provide Event Collection service. 

File Description
ec.wsdl Event Collection services API
ec.xsd Event Collection services schema (covers all the Event Collection services)
ec-basetypes.xsd Event Collection services - type schema
ecexception.xsd Event Collection services - exception schema
comexception.xsd Common exception schema


Note: Hyperlinks are provided to the WSDL and XSD documentation for a particular service API or schema. Any xsd files that do not have hyperlinks are included (directly or indirectly) in hyperlinked xsd files. For example, the XSD documentation for ec.xsd also includes the documentation for ec-basetypes.xsd.
Note: The Event Collection Services API also includes some private service operations which are intended only for internal use by


These service operations, which should not be used by an external application, are marked in the API with the following annotation:

**PRIVATE API - Reserved for internal use**