Coloration Feedback

The connecting lines representing the existing mapping can be difficult to understand especially if there are many mappings between the elements of the source and target tree. The coloration feedback is very useful in such scenario as it allows you to see at a glance which mappings are defined within a given component tree.

Some examples are:

  • When you select a bindable element in the source or target tree, all mappings involving that element and its visible children are highlighted in bold. In the figure Mappings Tab of the Properties View, when you select Customer_order_item_SKU/Value node in the target tree, the corresponding binding is highlighted in bold. This is especially helpful when the ‘show only source ancestors’ and ‘hide target descendants’ filters are disabled.
  • When you click a collapsed mapping (represented by a red triangle), it automatically expands and displays both of the end-points of the mapping.

The Mappings tab’s user interface (UI) simplifies tasks such as property binding and creating computation actions.