Canceling Changes

Once a work item is opened and data is entered or changed on the work item form, you can cancel those entries/changes and return the work item to the state it was in when the work item was opened.

This can be done in two ways:

  • From the work item form - click The cancel button is white with cancel in black text. The work item is closed and returned to the work item list without saving the changes.
  • From the work item list - click The icon is a folder with a red cross in the bottom right hand corner. The intention of The icon is a folder with a red cross in the bottom right hand corner is for an administrator-type user to be able to forcibly close a work item left open by another user. This will cause any data entered or changed by the user who opened the work item to be lost.

    To close a work item from the work item list, select the work item in the work item list, then click The icon is a folder with a red cross in the bottom right hand corner from the To Do List gadget.

    Note: The work item form that was opened by the user who originally opened the work item is not closed by The icon is a folder with a red cross in the bottom right hand corner . The form must be manually closed from the workstation from which it was opened.