Store Local BOMs in Business Data Projects

Keep local BOMs and WSDLs or XSDs (and their generated BOMs) in suitable Business Data projects, rather than in Analysis or BPM Developer projects.

Keeping local BOMs separate from the process projects that reference them has the following advantages:

  • It makes it easier to organize and share local data among different processes. (Using a Business Data project, the local data only needs to be defined and deployed once. If you use an Analysis or BPM Development project - that is, the same project as a business process that uses the data - whenever that project is deployed or generated as a DAA, BDS Plug-ins corresponding to the referenced BOMs are packaged as part of the DAA. That is, every deployed process has its own copy of any local data it uses.)
  • It provides better design-time performance, particularly for projects involving large numbers of local/generated BOMs (by avoiding unnecessary regeneration of BDS Plug-ins).