SOAP API - updateBusinessService

The table summarizes the SOAP API - updateBusinessService.

Request Uses the updateBusinessService element (from the BusinessService schema)
Parameter notes
  • process reference id: ID returned when you start a business service. You can obtain the value from the response returned by startBusinessService .
  • activityId: the activity ID returned when you start a business service. You can obtain the value from the response returned by startBusinessService .
  • If your process has mandatory parameters, ensure that you provide valid values for all these parameters.
Response Returns an updateBusinessServiceResponse element (from the BusinessService schema)
Example Request:
            <activityReference activityId="pvm:001g1s.3"/>
         <pageFields payloadMode="XML">
                     <inouts array="false" name="UserName" optional="true" type="String">
                     <inouts array="false" name="PhoneNumber" optional="true" type="String">
      <updateBusinessServiceResponse xmlns="">
         <pageResponse executionState="COMPLETED" xmlns="">
               <pageFlowTemplate hasFormalParameters="false" moduleName="/PageflowSolution/Process Packages/ProcessPackage.xpdl" processName="RequestCall" version=""/>
               <payload payloadMode="XML">
                  <XmlPayload xmlns:bus="" xmlns:soapenv="">
                     <inouts array="false" name="UserName" optional="true" type="String">
                     <inouts array="false" name="PhoneNumber" optional="true" type="String">