Theme Color Definitions

These are the theme color definitions for the tibThemingProvider function. AngularJS Material defines the color values, see the AngularJS Material Theming documentation for more information.

Color Used by components Defines
50 <user-profile> Background color of the user profile displayed in the left-hand navigation pane.
100 <bpm-business-actions-drop-down> Background color of the BUSINESS ACTIONS menu item displayed in the left-hand navigation pane.
200 None Not used. Do not change.
300 <bpm-work-views> Background color of the WORK VIEWS menu item displayed in the left-hand navigation pane.
400 <bpm-work-list> Font, icon and button color used for the "Work Views" header.
-> <bpm-work-item-card> Font color of the menu displayed when a user hovers over a work item card in the worklist.
Menu background color for a selected work item in the worklist.
500 <bpm-work-list> Background colour used when hovering on the attribute list displayed when the user clicks "More Info" on a work item card.
-> <bpm-work-item-card>
-> -> <bpm-work-item-attr>
600 <bpm-work-views> Background color of the selected work list displayed in the WORK VIEWS menu.
700 None Not used. Do not change.
800 None Not used. Do not change.
900 <documents-view> Background color of the table header displayed on the DOCUMENTS tab, when a user clicks DETAILS for a work item.
A100 <bpm-work-list> Background color of the menu displayed when a user hovers over a work item card in the worklist.
-> <bpm-work-item-card>
A200 None Not used. Do not change.
A400 <documents-view> Background color of even-numbered items displayed in the table on the DOCUMENTS tab, when a user clicks DETAILS for a work item.
A700 None Not used. Do not change.