Mapping to or from Process Basic Types

There are 8 different Process Basic Types that Business Object Attributes can be assigned to or from. Some of these types have equivalent BDS Attribute types. Others are slightly different, as shown below.

Process Basic Type Equivalent BOM Attribute Type Comments
Text Text No problems mapping data
Decimal Decimal (Floating Point sub-type) No problems mapping data
Integer Integer (Signed Integer sub-type) The range of values supported by the Process Basic Integer is constrained to <=15 digits.
Note: The BOM Integer primitive type will only accommodate up to 10-digits. So, you need to make sure that assignments in JavaScript or in mappings are done accordingly to avoid truncation.
Boolean Boolean No problems mapping data
Date Date No problems mapping data
Time Time No problems mapping data
Datetime Datetime No problems mapping data. The Basic Datetime type can be assigned to a BOM Datetimetz Attribute, provided that it contains a timezone. If it doesn’t, an exception will be raised.
Performer Text No problems mapping data

The Process Basic Types can be mapped to BOM Attributes of different types if the guidelines in the previous section are followed.