Required Format for JSON Payloads

When a REST operation requires that a payload be passed in the request body, you can pass either XML or JSON.

However, if JSON is passed in the request body, all attributes must be prefixed with an @ character. This is required because the ActiveMatrix BPM REST operations use the Badgerfish standard.

The following are some examples of using this standard in ActiveMatrix BPM:

Example 1

The following is an example of a JSON request body for the createWorkListView REST operation:

  "WorkListViewEdit": {
    "@description": "Pending orders",
    "@public": "true",
    "entityID": {
      "@entity-type": "RESOURCE",
      "@guid": "9178DD52-C6AE-468E-AF31-10EA78CC500B"
    "orderFilterCriteria": {
      "@order": "id ASC , startDate DESC",
    "users": {
      "@entity-type": "RESOURCE",
      "@guid": "32B63222-5B76-4EF9-8BEA-A8E538A3BB17"

Example 2

The following is an example of a JSON request body for the pendWorkItem REST operation:
