Exclusive (XOR)

In an exclusive gateway, there are several paths through which the process can continue, but only one is actually chosen when the process is run. There are two types of exclusive gateway: exclusive (data) and exclusive (event).

Exclusive (Data)

The sequence flow is chosen based on an expression using data from the process. This type of gateway is indicated in the process as follows:

The following shows a typical exclusive (data) gateway:

There is one uncontrolled input sequence flow to the gateway, and conditional and default output sequence flows.

Note: An XOR (data) gateway displays an X as a visual cue to the gateway type. However, BPMN does not require this.

To disable the display of the X, deselect Show "X" Marker in the Property view for the gateway.

Exclusive (Event)

The sequence flow is chosen based upon an external event, for example, a catch message. This type of gateway is indicated in the process as follows:

The following shows a typical exclusive (event) gateway:

The gateway waits to receive the message, or for the timer to expire, and follows the outgoing path of whichever event happens first. That is, it waits for the message, but only until the timer expires.