SOAP API - saveTerminatedProcessInstances

The table summarizes the SOAP API - saveTerminatedProcessInstances.

Request Uses the saveTerminatedProcessInstancesRequest element (from the ProcessManagement schema)
Parameter notes willSave (optional): indicates whether terminated process instances should be saved. If not specified, the default is false.

saveDuration (optional) : The duration specified in XSD duration format for which the terminated process will be saved. For example, use P30D to save it for 30 days after reaching the final state like completed or canceled. If not specified, the duration is indefinite.

processTemplates (optional): specifies the process templates the setting applies to.

applications (optional): specifies the applications the setting applies to. If processtemplates and applications are not specified, the setting is applied to all process templates. The application is the application name specified in TIBCO Administrator when you add a new application.

Response Returns an saveTerminatedProcessInstancesResponse element (from the ProcessManagement schema)
Example Request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:proc="">
               <proc:moduleName>/simpleCorrelateTest/Process Packages/simpleCorrelateTest.xpdl</proc:moduleName>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <saveTerminatedProcessInstancesResponse xmlns="">
<statusMessage>saveTerminatedProcessInstances operation has completed. Save state was updated for 10 process templates</statusMessage>
         <details><![CDATA[saveTerminatedProcesses criteria used: <proc:saveTerminatedProcessInstancesRequest xmlns:proc="" xmlns:soapenv="">
      <proc:moduleName>/simpleCorrelateTest/Process Packages/simpleCorrelateTest.xpdl</proc:moduleName>