Using a Performer Data Field or Parameter to Dynamically Define a Participant

A performer data field/parameter is a special type of data field/parameter that you can select as a participant for a user task. By assigning a value to the performer data field/parameter earlier in the process, you can dynamically define a participant for a user task. You can populate a performer data field/parameter with one or more organization entity GUIDs, or a single valid non-array RQL expression.

Note: A parameter can only be defined at the process level.

Using a performer field, you can deliver work dynamically to an organizational entity, so that the work items appear in managed work lists. For example:

  • Dynamically deliver to a group by name (e.g. using an organization entity GUID: Process.getOrgModel().groupByName('MyGroup') )
  • Dynamically deliver to a position within an organization unit by name (for example: orgunit(name='KEYTeam').position(name='AdditionalStaff') union orgunit(name='Agency').position(name='Contractor') )
Note: You can also use non-RQL scripting to identify dynamic performers. For example: performer=Process.getOrgModel().getGroupByName('MyGroup').
Note: If you use the presentation channel settings (push destinations) to deliver notification of work items via email, on the Work Resource tab for the user task, you must set the Distribution Strategy to Allocate to One rather than Offer to All. For example, if you have a performer field set to: resource(name='tibco-admin'), tibco-admin will receive an email notification of a work item only if the Distribution Strategy is Allocate to One.


  1. Add the performer data field/parameter as a participant to the user task (using the method described in "Using Properties View to associate a participant with an activity" in the TIBCO Business Studio Modeling Guide).
  2. Make sure that the process logic assigns a suitable value to the parameter before the user task is executed - for example, by using a script.

    You can assign a script as described in "Creating Scripts" in the TIBCO Business Studio Modeling Guide.

    You can populate a performer field with one of the following:

    • an organization entity GUID
    • multiple organization entity GUIDs (using a performer array field that contains multiple GUIDs - each of the performer fields in the array contains an organization entity GUID )
    • a single valid non-array RQL expression (that resolves to one or more organization entities). See Resource Query Language.
    • a resource GUID. For example:
      performer = Process.getOrgModel().resourceByName('JohnSmith').getGuid();
    Note: Using an organization entity GUID or multiple organization entity GUIDs means that dynamic performers allow references to specific organizational entities, so that they will appear in the relevant managed work lists. You should only need to use RQL if you want to offer work based on capabilities, privileges or intersections of organization entities. In most cases, writing a script to identify the organization entity GUIDs you need and populating the performer fields with these will be much more efficient than using RQL.

    For example, the annotated process extract below shows part of a purchasing process that contains a user task to approve a requisition. The process requires that if the requisition value is less than $50000, this task can be performed by an Accountant. If it is more than or equal to $50000, it must be performed by the Finance Manager.

    The Select Requisition Approver script task assigns a value to the Req_approver performer data field, based on the value of the requisition which is held in Req_value (and which we assume to have been defined earlier in the process).

    The Approve Requisition task assigns the work item to the Req_approver performer data field - the value of which will be either "Accountant" or "Finance_Manager" (both of which are also defined as participants for the process).

What to do next

Using a performer field, you can deliver work dynamically to an organizational entity, so that the work items appear in managed work lists.