Model Organization Tools

Some models are simple to follow but larger and more complex models are more difficult to read. The Business Object Modeler provides tools to make models easier to understand.

Icon Command Description
Apply the applicable appearance properties of the first selected shape to the other selected shapes Applies the applicable appearance properties of the first selected shape to the other selected shapes.
Select All Selects all business objects in the Model.
Select All Shapes Selects all shapes in the selected Package.
Select All Connectors Selects all connections in the selected Package
Arrange All Arranges all the business objects in the Model so that they are evenly spaced.
Arrange Selection Arranges the business objects in the Model that you have selected so that they are evenly spaced.
Align Left Aligns the selected business objects to the left of the Model.
Align Centre Aligns the selected business objects to the centre of the Model.
Align Right Aligns the selected business objects to the right of the Model.
Align Top Aligns the selected business objects to the top of the Model.
Align Middle Aligns the selected business objects to the middle of the Model.
Align Bottom Aligns the selected business objects to the bottom of the Model.
Autosize Automatically sizes the selected business objects to the smallest size.
All Connector Labels Displays all connector labels in the Model
No Connector Labels Displays no connector labels in the Model.
All Compartments Displays all the compartments within a selected Class.
No Compartments Only displays the name of a selected Class. Attributes and Operations are not displayed.