REST API - navigateCaseDetailed

The table summarizes the REST API - navigateCaseDetailed.


GET <baseurl>/globaldata/ref/<casereference>/navigateDetailed/<rolename>
Path Parameters
  • caseReference. The case reference of the case data that has data associated with it. For example, a customer. You must specify only one source case reference.
  • rolename (optional). The name of the association that was specified when the association was created using linkCase. For example, claim. If null then results are included for all rolenames.
Query Parameters
  • includeLabelAndType=boolean (optional, default=false). If set to true, then labels are included for role names and, if case summary is included, case summary attributes.
  • includeSummary=boolean (optional, default=false). If set to true, then a case summary is included along with each returned case. The content of the case summary is the same as that returned by getCaseSummary.
  • start=integer (optional, default=0). Position in the case reference list from which to start this page. (The list is zero-based. To start at the first item, specify 0.)
  • count=integer (optional, default =-1). Number of case references to include in this page. Specifying -1 returns all.


JSON Returns a JSON representation of the contents of a SearchResults element.
XML Returns the contents of a SearchResults element (from the BusinessDataServices schema)


GET <baseurl>/globaldata/ref/BDS-1-com.example.navigatecasedetails.Person-601-3/navigatedetailed/?includeLabelAndType=true&includeSummary=true&start=0&count=5
  "xml-fragment": {
    "caseObjectsByRole": [
        "roleName": "address",
        "roleLabel": "address",
        "caseObjectDetails": {
          "caseReference": "BDS-1-com.example.navigatecasedetails.Address-603-0",
          "details": {
            "@isCaseIdentifier": "true",
            "name": "pinCode",
            "label": "Pin Code",
            "value": "SN1 5JU",
            "type": "ATTR_TEXT"
        "hasMoreResults": false
        "roleName": "cars",
        "roleLabel": "cars",
        "caseObjectDetails": {
          "caseReference": "BDS-1-com.example.navigatecasedetails.Cars-605-1",
          "details": {
            "@isCaseIdentifier": "true",
            "name": "carNumber",
            "label": "Car Number",
            "value": "HV07 AXA",
            "type": "ATTR_TEXT"
        "hasMoreResults": false