Positioning a Modal Dialog Pane

By default, a modal dialog pane is configured to render at the center of the window. However, you can change its position to suit the form.


  1. Select a modal dialog pane, and display its tab from the Properties view.
  2. Specify the Dialog Position.
    The available choices are:
    Option Description
    Center of the window Default. Use this if you want the modal dialog pane to be displayed at the center of the window.
    Center of the form Use this if you want the modal dialog pane to be displayed over the form, when the form is being rendered as a part of a larger application.
    Relative to the focused element Use this if you want the users to fill the data in the modal dialog pane with a context to the focused element. (0,0) is the top left position of the element clicked by the user. Specify the X and Y coordinates accordingly. Positive values move the pane downward and to the right by specified pixels.
    Absolute Position Use this if you want the modal dialog pane to be displayed at an absolute position irrespective of the scrolling. (0,0) is the top left point in the view port. Specify the X and Y coordinates accordingly. Positive values move the pane downward and to the right by specified pixels.
  3. Click Save.