Using ActiveMatrix Administrator

To configure ActiveMatrix BPM to use the new password by using ActiveMatrix Administrator, you must first stop the ActiveMatrix BPM application. After changing the password, update JDBC resource templates and restart the application.

The following steps explain the procedure using the ActiveMatrix Administrator web interface. You can also perform the same steps using the command-line interface.


  1. Log into ActiveMatrix Administrator.
  2. Click the Applications tab.
  3. Select the ActiveMatrix BPM application and click Stop.
  4. In the window that is displayed about stopping dependent applications, clear the check box next to all the applications, and then proceed.
  5. Periodically refresh the user interface until shows the Stopped state.
    During this time, all dependent applications should show the Waiting for Dependencies state. You can ignore this.
  6. Change the password of the ActiveMatrix BPM runtime database, using the appropriate software provided by the database vendor. If ActiveMatrix BPM BDS uses a separate database, change the password of this database too.
  7. Change the password for each of the JDBC resource templates (DataSource, DataSourceDirect, and possibly DataSourceBDS (if BDS uses a separate database)) to match the new database password.
    Perform the following for each JDBC resource template:
    1. Select the JDBC resource template on the Shared Objects tab.
    2. Change the password on the General tab in the lower pane, then click Save.
    3. On the "Apply changes in resource template to runtime" dialog, select all BPM nodes in the Restrict Nodes section, then click Save.
    4. On the Resource Instances tab, ensure that all resource instances show the Running state with In Sync synchronization status.
  8. Click Infrastructure > Nodes. In the Nodes table, restart all the BPM nodes.
    To restart the nodes, stop them to change the state to Stopped, then start them to change the state to Running.
  9. Click the Applications tab.
  10. Select the ActiveMatrix BPM application and click Start.
  11. In the window that is displayed about starting/deploying dependent applications, select the check box next to all the applications, and then proceed.
  12. Periodically refresh the user interface until shows the Running state.

    Now all dependent applications should show the Running state.