SOAP API - registerComponent

The table summarizes the SOAP API - registerComponent.

Request Uses the registerComponentRequest element (from the EventCollectorUpdateService schema).
Parameter notes
  • Only the name and version of the component being registered are mandatory.
  • id and parentId: leave these blank in the request; any values that you do enter are ignored. These parameters will be populated in the response message.
  • implementationType: for example, CUSTOM for custom audit implementations.
Response Returns a registerComponentResponse element (from the EventCollectorUpdateService schema).
Example Request:
            <componentName>ECCustomAudit/Process Packages/ECCustomAudit.xpdl</componentName>
            <description>Custom Audit Trail</description>
      <registerComponentResponse xmlns="">
         <Component xmlns="">
            <componentClass xmlns="">com.example.eccustomaudit</componentClass>
            <componentName xmlns="">ECCustomAudit</componentName>
            <description xmlns="">Custom audit trail</description>
            <id xmlns="">19</id>
            <implementationType xmlns="">CUSTOM</implementationType>
            <name xmlns="">ECCustomAudit</name>
            <parentId xmlns="">-1</parentId>
            <revision xmlns="">1</revision>
            <version xmlns="">1.0</version>