Case View Filter Attribute Types

The attributes that can be used in filter expressions when creating case views are of specific types, which allows only certain types of values.

Attribute Type Description
Boolean True or false. You can test whether the attribute value is equal to true or false, or whether or not it contains a value (Null or Not Null).
Date The Filter dialog provides a date picker to choose date.
Date Time The Filter dialog provides a date and time picker to choose a date and time.
Date Time and Time Zone The Filter dialog provides a date and time picker, plus fields in which you can specify the time zone offset, which is the number of hours you are located, plus or minus, from UTC (Coordinated Universal Time):
Decimal Consists of numbers with decimals.
Duration The Filter dialog provides fields (Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds) to specify a duration of time.
Enumeration Attributes of this type allow you to only choose among a list of valid entries. For example:
Integer Consists of one or more of the numbers 0-9.
Object An entity that contains its own attributes. For example, lineItems is an object:
Text Consists of any number of letters, numbers, or special characters (e.g., #, $, etc.)

Filtering on text is case sensitive.

Note that text attributes are the only attributes for which you can use wildcard characters. See Wildcard Characters .

And if you are filtering on text that contains any of these special characters in a case view, they must be “escaped”:

*, ?, ‘, _, % or \

For more information, Filtering on Special Characters .

Time The Filter dialog provides a time picker.
URI Consists of text in the format of a Universal Resource Identifier (URI).