Deploying an Application from Administrator

See "Deploying Applications" in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM - SOA Administration for information on deploying via TIBCO ActiveMatrix Administrator, using either the GUI or the CLI interfaces.

Files Generated by Business Studio

When you deploy a BPM or an SOA project from TIBCO ActiveMatrix Administrator, the deployment uses scripts generated by TIBCO Business Studio.

TIBCO Business Studio generate the following three files as the basis of the deployment process:

  • <deployment-name>.deployment-build.xml
  • <deployment-name>.deployment-config.xml
  • <server-name>.properties


An ant script file that controls the CLI process. This generally contains some of the following ant targets:

  • — Undeploys the application
  • — Upgrades the application
  • — Deletes the application
  • upload.daa — Uploads a new instance of the DAA
  • — Modified any properties or configuration of resource instances
  • wire.application — Wires any connections that the application will use
  • — Distributes the application
  • — Deploys the application to the specified target nodes
  • — Starts the application

In practice this files is limited in its reuse and is not used by the automated deployment process.


This configuration file describes the application, components, end-points and references that will be used for a given application. The configuration file is the key to the deployment process. It is vital that this file correctly describes the configuration of the application to be deployed. The file must be regenerated whenever the external configuration of an application changes. Typically this includes:

  • Adding or removing promoted references to an SOA project
  • Adding or removing promoted services to an SOA project
  • Adding or removing end-points to BPM processes. These are typically new participants of type "System".


A properties file containing the URL and admin name and password of the server to which the DAA should be deployed. Strictly this does not need to be provided to the configuration team as the file is easy to regenerate.

This contains the following entries:

  • adminURL — The URL of the AMX administrator on which the deployment should occur
  • username — The name of an AMX administrator account
  • password — The password of the AMX administrator account
  • httpConnectionTimeout — Connection timeout in milliseconds for administrative operations