REST API - getDocumentContent - GET

The table summarizes the REST API - getDocumentContent - GET.

Request - GET

GET <baseurl>/document/read/<docref>
Path Parameters docref: Can be obtained using getFolderContent. (Some CMIS servers use characters in document references that must be URL encoded. If you are using such a CMIS server, URL encode the document reference, or use the alternative POST method with a request body.)

Response - GET

JSON Returns a JSON representation of the content of the GetDocumentContentResponse element.
XML Returns the content of the GetDocumentContentResponse element (from the DocumentService schema).

Example - GET

GET <baseurl>/document/read/DocumentID-547
  "xml-fragment": {
    "content": "ICBRdWV1ZSBOYW1lICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgI.......
    "mime-type": "text/plain"