Adding Objects Using the Palette

You can use the palette to add objects (for example, a task).

Note: When you first start TIBCO Business Studio, if the palette is not visible, expand it by clicking the Show Palette button to the right of the window:


  1. Click the appropriate tool in the palette. If an object has more than one type (for example, a task can be a service task, or user task, and so on), each type has a tool on the palette. For example:

    Click another tool to display the available sub-types. For example, click the Gateway tool to see the different types of gateways; this closes the currently open tool drawer if more space is required to open the new tool drawer. To change this behavior and cause the available tasks to remain open, click the Pin Open button ().

    • To add more than one object of the same type, hold down the Ctrl key.
    • You can customize certain palette preferences by selecting Customize from the right-click menu on the palette. This allows you to define preferences such as the default tool drawer states on editor startup. There is also a Favorites drawer that you can customize (see Customizing Palette Favorites ).

    Position the pointer on the process at the place where you want to place the object. The pointer changes shape:

  2. Click the process to add the object.


Tip: You can also drag and drop from the palette. So select an item on the palette and drag and drop it to where you require it in the process.