Managing Case Documents

You can select a case in the Case Management gadget and download, upload, open, and delete documents associated with the case.


You must be logged in to Openspace as a user that has privileges with the correct system action assigned to manage case documents. You or your BPM administrator must also have configured BPM to use the CMIS repository either during or after installation using TCT (the Edit ActiveMatrix BPM Instance option) or by editing the and configuration files.


  1. From the Case Management gadget, perform a search to retrieve a list of cases. See Performing an Ad-hoc Search or Performing an Advanced Case Data Search.
  2. Select the case for which you want to manage case documents.
    If required, use the Search facility to find your case. See Searching Cases.
    The Case Documents details are displayed. If no document has been uploaded yet, only the Upload button is displayed.
  3. In Case Documents, you can:
    Option Description
    Download a document Select a document and click the Download Selected Document button to download a document from the CMIS repository to your local computer.
    Upload a document Click the Upload a Document button to browse for a document, upload is to the CMIS repository, and associate it with the selected case.
    Note: Depending how your CMIS repository is configured, you may need to select a version, Major, Minor, or None, or else the upload fails. Also, you cannot upload a document with the same name to the same location in the CMIS repository.
    Open a document Select a document and click the Open Selected Document button or double-click the document name to view the document content. When the document is selected, you can also view metadata about the document such as the name, when it was created, and the file size.
    Open a document in a new window Select a document and click the Open Selected Document in New Window button to view the document content in a new window.
    Delete a document Click the Delete button to delete a document from the CMIS repository.
    Delete Orphaned Folders Click Delete Orphaned Folders to remove leftover folders from an application undeployment (if when you undeployed the application you selected the option to leave the folders intact).