
This method provides a means of modifying display values for work items in work view, process view, and event view lists. The XML that populates the list is passed to this method, providing a means to manipulate list data prior to it being displayed. Text values of view names and descriptions may be changed, allowing for localization or customization, plus items in the list may be reordered.

  • Care must be taken when changing the display text of work items in the work views list. The "Inbox" view is a special application view that is already localized to the current language setting. Changing "Inbox" to any other value can result in unpredictable results.
  • You must also be careful when reordering items in the work views list. Work items grouped under "My Work" and "Supervised Work" may be reordered within the groups, but must remain within their original group to prevent application failures.

This method is called when the list is first constructed, and every time it is refreshed.


classProto.modifyViewListData = function(oValue, oContext)


  • oValue.listXML - (jsx3.xml.CDF.Document) An XML document that populates the list. Contains a <data> root node that is the parent of zero or more <record> nodes, which represent the items in the list.
  • oContext - (Object) An object that provides information about the list being modified with the following properties:
    • oContext.userName (string read-only) - The name of the logged-in user.
    • oContext.userGuid (string read-only) - A unique identifier of the logged-in user.
    • oContext.listType - (string read-only) The view type of the list. The possible values are:
      • com.tibco.wcc.base.ListContainer.WORKVIEW (Work View)
      • com.tibco.wcc.base.ListContainer.PTVIEW (Process View)
      • com.tibco.wcc.base.ListContainer.EVENTVIEW (Event View)


oValue - with listXML property containing jsx3.xml.CDF.Document to populate the list.