
Test whether the caller is authorized to perform one or more system actions, either globally or within the scope of a particular organization model entity.

  • The request must specify the system actions to be tested for authorization and, optionally, an organization model entity that defines the scope of the test.
  • The response returns a list of the requested system actions, defining for each its scope and whether the user is authorized to perform the system action.
Action IsActionAuthorised
Parameter Notes
  • entitytype (optional): Enumerated value defining the type of the organization model entity.
  • entityguid (optional): Globally unique ID of the organization model entity. (Although this value is unique across all entities, if the entity exists within more than one major version, it will share the same GUID.)
  • actioncomponent (optional): The name of the BPM component that owns the system action. It can be one of the following:
    • BRM - Business Resource Management
    • DAC - Deadline and Calendar
    • DE - Directory Engine
    • EC - Event Collector
    • PE - Process Manager
    • WSB - Workspace
  • actionname (optional): The name of the system action.
  • faultonunauthorised (optional, default=false): Boolean value indicating whether a service fault should be raised if any of the queried system actions are not authorized. If "false", an un-authorized system action will be reported in the response.
Return IsActionAuthorisedResult

Required System Action
