
You can specify which language to display on all of the screens and windows in Workspace.

Note: This option performs the same function as the Language selection field on the Workspace header. For information about that function, see Setting the Language .


  1. On the Options dialog, click the Display icon in the left pane.
  2. In the Language section, select the desired language:

    A particular language appears in this list only if the “language pack” for that language has been installed on your system, or the appropriate files have been manually translated (for details, see the TIBCO Workspace Configuration and Customization guide).

  3. Click OK to save the changes and close the Options dialog.

    The language change takes effect immediately, and is persisted (i.e., the application will continue to be displayed in the selected language until it is changed again, either using this user option, or the Language field drop-down list on the main toolbar).

    Note: Note that the language setting on the Options dialog does not have a corresponding setting in the Options record in the config.xml file. Workspace gets the initial default language from the browser you are using to run Workspace.