Adding Local Data Fields

You can add data fields that are local to a sub-process (they are not used in the process that contains the embedded sub-process).

By default, activities in the embedded sub-process have access to all local data and process data. However, using the Interface tab, a subset of data can be selected.


  1. Click the Data Fields tab in the Properties view for the embedded sub-process.
  2. At the right of the Data Fields tab, click the plus sign to add local data fields. The properties of the data fields that you create are the same as for process data (see Adding Data Fields or Parameters to a Package or Process).
    Note: Local data fields are not displayed in the Project Explorer.

    For example:

    In this example, the data fields Status, Status2, Status3, and Field are local to the embedded sub-process. On the Interface tab for activities within the embedded sub-process, you can access the local data as well as the process data:

    In this case the address data fields (process data) and the local data defined on the Data Fields tab are both available.

    Tip: You can quickly create an embedded sub-process that has local data by using the fragment BPMN Process Fragments > Basic Fragments > Embedded Sub-Process with Data Fields. For more information about fragments, see Creating Call Sub-Processes .