SOAP API - listAssociatedResources

The table summarizes the SOAP API - listAssociatedResources.

Request Uses the listAssociatedResources element (from the EntityResolverService schema)
Parameter notes
Response Returns a listAssociatedResourcesResponse element (from the EntityResolverService schema).

If multiple organizational entities are specified, and a resource is associated with more than one of those entities, that resource is only listed once in the response.

Example Request:
  <listAssociatedResourcesResponse xmlns="">
         <resource guid="tibco-admin" name="tibco-admin" resource-type="HUMAN" xmlns="">
            <LdapReference ldap-alias="system" ldap-dn="UID=admin, OU=system"/>
         <resource guid="ED72300B-F2FA-4E60-90D4-F829FB8DEA9D" name="Liam Lawrence" resource-type="HUMAN" xmlns="">
            <LdapReference container-id="1" container-name="EasyAs" ldap-alias="easyAs" ldap-dn="OU=Liam Lawrence, OU=London, OU=AllEmployees, O=easyAsInsurance"/>