Accessing Ad-hoc Activities in a Custom Client

TIBCO have created custom applications for ad-hoc activities that you can use when creating your own custom client.

Both the ad-hoc custom applications can be accessed directly and can be displayed anywhere on a page (provided a valid server session exists with TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM). See Authenticating Access to a TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Web Client Service.

There are two custom applications:
  • toolbar.html. This application should be used in the context of an open work item form. It only displays enabled manual ad-hoc activities. It does not show disabled or automatic activities as they are not relevant in the context of an open form. It is designed to allow a user to quickly start or cancel an ad-hoc activity while continuing to work on the open work item form.
  • app.html. The app.html application should be used if you want find out about the ad-hoc activities for a given work item, process instance or case reference. You can toggle off the automatic and disabled ad-hoc activities by selecting either Show automatic or Show disabled.
Note that:
  • Each application can use the following parameters:
    • (Required) You must specify a locale parameter. The parameter is locale=locale where locale is a string representation of a locale that includes a language and, optionally, a country code in the format, ll_CC as specified in the ISO 639-2 standard.
    • (Optional) workitemid=id. Displays ad-hoc activities for the given work item ID. You can use this method if the process id is not known. This method makes another server call to retrieve the process details for the work item. For example, http://localhost:8080/openspace/adhoc/app.html?workitemid=123&locale=en_US
    • (Optional) processid=id&processname=procname. Displays ad-hoc activities for the given process id and process name. For example, http://localhost:8080/openspace/adhoc/app.html?processid=pvm:0a123&processname=myprocess&locale=en_US
    • (Optional) globaldataref=ref. Displays ad-hoc activities for the given case reference. For example, http://localhost:8080/openspace/adhoc/app.html?globaldataref=BDS-3-com.example.claimbom3.Policy-1-0&locale=en_US
  • For each ad-hoc activity, the name of the activity displays. You can either start or cancel an ad-hoc activity, depending on its current state.
  • You can also search for an activity using a text based search. It searches all the text that is currently displayed. The search is dynamic so as you start typing, the ad-hoc activities that match the text you are typing automatically display.
  • You must be logged in as a user that has privileges with the startAndCancelAdHocActivity system action assigned to view the ad-hoc activities. There may also be privileges applied to each ad-hoc activity which are required to start an instance.
  • The process instance must be started.
The URL for the custom applications is as follows: http://host:port/openspace/adhoc/applicationname where:
  • host is the machine name or IP address of the server hosting TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM.
  • port is the port number that TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM is using.
  • applicationname is either app.html or toolbar.html, depending on your requirements.