Mobile Forms Preview

The Mobile Preview tab provides the URL used to navigate and preview the forms on mobile at design time.

The URL is in the following format: http://<host>:<port>/forms/mobile


  • <host> is the name or IP address of the machine on which TIBCO Business Studio is running.
  • <port> is the forms preview port. By default the port is 8888. To change the port, go to Window > Preferences > Forms Designer > Preview.

Typing this URL in an iPhone, iPod touch, or the iPhone emulator available from Apple takes you to a page that provides a list of the projects in the workspace. Drilling down in a project, displays a list of the forms available in that project.

Note: The iPhone emulator runs only on Mac OS. There are no viable emulators available in Windows. You can use the desktop version of Safari to view forms on a Windows machine. However, certain controls (Date, Time, Date Time and single select Optionlist) do not function in the desktop version of Safari.