
This method provides a means for modifying the characteristics of lists displayed in the application. A reference to a TIBCO General Interface jsx3.gui.Matrix component is provided as input and may be modified by the method. This method is called once when the list is first constructed.

Properties of the matrix component may be modified, as well as properties of columns (TIBCO General Interface jsx3.gui.Matrix.Column components), which are children of the matrix. Some properties that may be changed include the following:

  • jsx3.gui.Matrix
    • setHeaderHeight() - sets the height of the column header
    • setRowHeight() - sets the height of rows in the list
    • setSelectionBG() - sets the URL for the image to display for a selected row
  • jsx3.gui.Matrix.Column
    • setCellBackgroundColor() - sets the background-color of cells in the column
    • setCellColor() - sets the font color of cells in the column
    • setCellFontName() - sets the font type of cells in the column
    • setCellFontSize() - sets the font size of cells in the column
    • setCellFontWeight() - set the font weight of cells in the column
    • setCellTextAlign() - sets the alignment of text in cells in the column
    • setTip() - sets the tooltip text for cells in the column

For a complete list of available properties and parameters, see the TIBCO General Interface API Documentation.


classProto.modifyMatrix = function(oMatrix, oContext)


  • oMatrix - (jsx3.gui.Matrix) A Matrix component used to display a list.
  • oContext - (Object) An object that provides information about the list being modified with the following properties:
    • oContext.userName - (string read-only) The name of the logged-in user.
    • oContext.userGuid - (string read-only) A unique identifier of the logged-in user.
    • oContext.listType - (string read-only) The view type of the list. The possible values are:
    • com.tibco.wcc.base.ListContainer.WORKVIEW (Work View)
    • com.tibco.wcc.base.ListContainer.PTVIEW (Process View)
    • com.tibco.wcc.base.ListContainer.EVENTVIEW (Event View)
    • com.tibco.wcc.base.ListContainer.WORKITEM (Work Items)
    • com.tibco.wcc.base.ListContainer.PROCESSINSTANCE (Process Instances)
    • com.tibco.wcc.base.ListContainer.AUDITEVENT (Events)
    • com.tibco.wcc.base.ListContainer.PROCESSTEMPLATES (Process Templates list when starting a process instance)
    • com.tibco.wcc.base.ListContainer.PROCESSTEMPLATESEX (Process Templates list when creating a process view)
    • com.tibco.wcc.base.ListContainer.BSVIEW (Business Services)

