Data Mappings File

The data mappings file provides mapping information between the form-level parameters and the controls or panes that render or update those parameters. The generation of this file is optional.

You can use the information in the file to determine which controls and panes of a form are bound to the form-level parameters and the properties within those parameters. For each bound pane and control, a key is generated that represents a full path to the property to which the control or pane is bound.

Any control or pane whose value is directly or indirectly bound to a form-level parameter, is listed in the data mappings file. If a control is bound to a pane value or a data field value, and if that value is bound to a parameter, the key is expressed in terms of the full path from the underlying parameter. The generated key:value pairs within the data mappings file are accessible from form scripts.

Note: The data mappings file is automatically added to the form as an external resource and the key:value pairs within it are accessible in the same manner as other property files associated with the form. It is not generated for default forms.

A single mappings file covers all the control and pane bindings in the form, even those that occur within nested embedded forms. The control and pane names within the mappings file correspond to the names of the embedded controls and panes after they are prefixed. The generated keys remain stable as long as the name of the underlying parameter and those of the properties on the path remain the same.