
Set one or more process instance migration rules. (Each migration rule consists of a unique set of module name, module version from which to migrate, process template name, task name from which to migrate, and module version to which to migrate.)

  • The request must specify the process instance migration rules that are to be set.
  • The response returns whether the specified process instance migration rules have been successfully set.
Action SetMigrationRules
Parameter Notes
  • processName: the name of the process template. This is defined in TIBCO Business Studio at design-time.
  • moduleName: the name of the xpdl file where the process is stored. This is defined in TIBCO Business Studio.
  • rules: Details of the migration rules to be applied. The map should be keyed on the source version for the migration. Note that:
    • Each source version in the map should contain a list of Migration Rule entries for that version.
    • Rules with isApplied = true and isDeleted = true are removed from the Engine.
    • Rules with isApplied = false and isDeleted = false are applied to the Engine.
    • The client will keep track of which rules have been applied and set the isApplied flag appropriately.
Return VoidResult

Required System Action
